Kneeling Side Bend Pose Yoga, Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and  Sanskrit Pronunciation

Kneeling Side Bend Pose Yoga, Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation

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Kneeling Side Bend Pose is a side stretch pose. It stretches the arms, shoulders and the psoas muscles. It can be a preparatory pose for Gate Pose and Bird Pose Sequence. The deep side stretch prepares the body for other challenging asanas like Trikonasana and Standing Lateral Flex Pose. It’s a beginners level pose and it’s a moderate heart opener yoga pose. The pose is relaxing and addresses the kidneys and liver functioning. It may also be used for therapy for most of the diseases related to the respiratory system. It’s also beneficial for fat burning in the abdomen and the waistline. It can be used by yoga teachers for yoga for obese people too.

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